Slow Drinking is an initiative of Bacardi-Martini France to promote responsible drinking, the unique real source of pleasure.

Slow Drinking’s objective is to encourage the moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages.
To carry out its project successfully, Bacardi-Martini France decided to surround itself with renowned experts from various domains in order to inspire and nourish the Slow Drinking concept.

By giving the keys to reasonable drinking, Slow Drinking aims at casting light upon good practices.
The idea is to show how one can combine both pleasure and tasting through moderation.
To make tasting the heart of a friendly-moment, appetizers should be associated with cocktails, and consumption should be controlled through rightly-dosed quantities.

This initiative falls within the philosophy of Bacardi-Martini France, a company which is very involved in promoting responsible drinking by preferring quality over quantity.


Leading global producers of beer, wine and spirits have made a collective commitment to build on their long-standing efforts to reduce harmful drinking through the Beer, Wine and Spirits Producers’ Commitments. In recognition of the serious effects that the harmful use of alcohol can have, these producers wish to demonstrate their support of international efforts to improve health and social outcomes for individuals, families and communities through the Commitments.

Reducing underage drinking
Strenghtening and expanding marketing codes of practice
Providing consumer information and responsible product innovation
Reducing drinking and driving
Enlisting the support of retailers to reduce harmful drinking

Learn more on www.producerscommitments.org